Sunday, August 9, 2009

the above picture is so out of date!

I just noticed how old that pic of me above is!

I change shit on my bikes so often that the Cannondale now looks totally different! New stem, new bars, new bartape, new seatpost, new saddle, new computer and I have new gloves, new shades and a new helmet...the Giant has a load of dust through lack of use - nothing more.

Must get some pics up on here.

First Century

So, at yesterday's "Spin Your Wheels 09" event, I logged my first ever century ride.

Nothing spectacular - but here are the stats:

Total time travelled: 5h 42min 8sec
Av. Speed: 17.3mph
Max Speed: 35.4mph

Although there were many times on the 'return-50' that I felt like crawling into the back of the SAG Wagon, I kept reminding myself why I was doing this - after all, with 2 bad knees and an aching hip joint, I probably should have ridden the 50. I was doing this as a personal Memorial Ride for a friend of mine, Don Riggs, who was sadly killed on Wednesday 5th August in Enid while out on a training ride. Don was a regular in the shop and I'd only just finished re-building his bike after a crash several weeks previous. At 65, Don could lay the hurt down on riders less than half his age. He was a great guy, avid cyclist and he will be sorely missed.

"Don - you got me through that last 50 miles like you were riding right next to me - giving me shit for even thinking of quitting! Thanks mate - that one was for you."

I actually rolled in in just over 6 hours, due to time spent at rest stops refilling my water bottles etc. I was using the shop's Zipp 606 tubie combo and - aside from the killer sidewinds - they were an incredible set of wheels. I'd love a set of 404s if the price was right...

Next ride is the "OBS Streak 09" in September, then I'm giving myself the rest of the year off to try and get over some injuries. Might even get back out on the Giant AC if the weather cools off some...


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Long time, no speak...

So - there's no excuse for the lack of posting.

I'm slack - deal with it!

What's been happening? Well, the April Circuit race out at Draper went well. I didn't place BUT I did manage to escape the 15-or-so rider pile up (and I was closer to getting wiped out than I thought!). A good friend of mine got ridden over and ended up in hospital with broken ribs and a punctured lung. No bueno. The shitty side of this is that the local clubs are now no longer willing to put on a Circuit Race as part of our "Summer Series", so I have to get my kicks elsewhere.

My current line-up of races/rides are:

June 21st
Oklahoma State Championship Road Race, OKC, OK

July 25th
Dehydrator, Duncan OK

August 8th
SpinYourWheels, OKC OK

August 28th-29th
Hotter Than Hell, Witchita Falls, TX

September 13th
OBS Streak, Edmond OK

Some road races, some tours (which always just turn into a mash-fest, so it'll be good practice and should yield some good data from the Powertap)

Oh yeah - I'm renting a PowerTap from work. Great little tool so far. Love it. May have to get one sometime soon. Getting some great feedback about my riding style and (local PowerTap guru and all-round top man) Joey Mesa has looked at some of my files and suggested ways for me to get over my "Race Pace" bonking which is currently killing my ability to hang with the lead pack.

Hey ho - it's all a learning curve, innit?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Good times on tarmac

The ride at Arkansas went well - got 14th out of a field of 38. One big hill seperated the men from the boys and I fell into the latter catagory!!! Sprinted to the end as hard as my tired legs would carry me. Good experience of riding in a group though and I'm still glad that I missed the guy that crashed's head by a few inches - could have been nasty.

April 4th was the Oklahoma City RedBud Classic 2009. 50 mile tour that took me 2hours and 37 minutes - only 20 minutes behind the lead pack and my workmate Joey Mesa (Foss1l Racing). Sucky headwind from the south for most of the ride though - 30-40mph gusts and I had no-one to hide behind/work with. Ah well - live and learn!

April 8th (tonight) is a circuit race out at Lake Draper. I pre-rode it this morning and there's a nasty hill finish which I hit in totally the wrong gear! Must try better tonight!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5 days and counting...

...till my first road race in Arkansas.

It's the NorthWestArkansas Classic. I'm entering as a Cat 5 and only get to ride one lap of a 23mile course. It's a shame to drive 3 1/2 hours to race 1 1/4 hours, but I'm going to give it my all.

Ass up - head down - hammer on!

Got to get my final training day on the bike tomorrow (Wednesday) out at Lake Hefner - then it's just time at the YMCA on the spin cycle to keep my legs in shape for the last few days.